By registering and using this site you are stating that you agree to the following terms:
1. All content you post shall be of the family friendly variety.
2. You have registered as directed in the forums.
3. Content you post shall be for the sole purpose of sharing content with your fellow guards on the forums.
Services Provided
The services provide are as follows:
You may post photos for use on the forums and share them on the forums for as long as you maintain your active legion/detachment membership.
Violation of these terms can result in a temporary ban of site usage privileges and a possible ban and account/content deletion. Failure to maintain your legion/detachment membership will revoke your site usage privileges and you will have 1 month to download your content before your account and data is deleted.
We are in no way affiliated with the legion, Disney, or LFL and are just fans providing this service to detachment members. These terms may be edited/altered and if revisions are made then notices will be sent out. You may opt out of the service at any time by deleting your content and account.